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(CRN®-SEP 12-2013)- As an EVIL gesture on his part, John Seitzinger (pictured left), aka, John 'The Baptist', an online false prophet, pretrib rapture promoter, pentecostal preacher and Halelujah chant worshipper, and owner and editor of the online blog site, kicked me out of his radio show yesterday. Not only me, a fellow brother in Christ who just popped into the blog talk radio (losttalkradio) to listen to author Zen Garcia talk about his upcoming book 'SkyFall' (a title proposed by me), which I higly recommend you purchase as well as Sons of God: Who are we and Why are we here?

Anyway, to make a long story short- I do not want to drag BRO Zen into this in any way- John 'The Usurper' decided to also to kick out of the chat room my dear brother in Christ, Professor Truth from and

As Professor Truth emailed me just after this happened:

From: Professor Truth
Cc: John Baptist <>;
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:50 PM
Subject: FW: John kicked me out Zen

I pasted;

Matt. 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

I also pasted from Rev 19: Alleluia.

You will know them by their fruit!

These actions speak of only one spirit, a spirit of antichrist operating that does not wish for his truths to be exposed. Well, his action are going to be heavily exposed via this site, rest assured.

In one of my hard-hitting articles on exposing a series of these False Prophets including Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, LA Marzulli and Rick Wiles, along with Seitzinger,

I mentioned this about this so-called John 'the Baptist':

‘Halel-u-Yah’ – Hail Satan

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Also, I prepared another mash up of Rick Wiles and another Pentecostal Pretibulation Rapture promoter, government-contracted JOHN SEITZINGER , alias ‘John the Baptist’ from He and almost all keep saying the satanic utterance ‘Halel-u-yah’. If one does his/her research one would know that it should be termed ‘Al El U Yah!’ and not Halel which stem from the Light as in the Light Bearer or Lucifer.

Here is the file which you can download and listen to of Wiles and SEITZINGER saying Haleluyah!

Are these men anointed? No! But the sheep are led astray.

It just so appears that Judgment has begun as these false men of Christ so boldly boast and it appears that they are the first ones that are at risk of being cut off if they do not align with God’s true purpose here on Earth. They are the same as with all promoters of Jesus Christ that get in the spotlight, it just gets to them and it overwhelms them and they get caught up in the fame and the fortune.

Here is John Seitzinger's profile on Linked in

Senior Security Consultant, Governance, Risk & Compliance at FishNet Security

Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

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Computer & Network Security


  • Senior Security Consultant, Governance, Risk & Compliance at FishNet Security


  • Security Architectural Specialist at Gerdau Ameristeel
  • Network Security Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Security Specialist at Tech Data Corporation


  • Ohio Institute of Technology
  • Checkpoint & Symantec

APRIL 15, 2013: Here is the evidence from a recent interview where Stan Deyo, a half-Jewish, Messianic Christian researcher and doomsday prepper, confesses that he believes in the Pretribulational Rapture. In hour 1 with 39 minutes, Deyo expresses his beliefs in the Dispensationalist lie and leads the audience into the belief that the Strong Delusion mentioned in 2 Thesalonians 2 is the Alien Invasion or Visitation when in fact it is the fact that there is no Pretribulational Rapture as such.

Listen to excerpt here
Download the Soundbyte here

Like Deyo, LA Marzulli, John Seitzinger, aka John the Baptist from and others like Tom Horn, Elvi Zapata, Choo Thomas, Lawrence Demers, Ron Reese, Chuck Missler and Jonathan Kleck have made Christ{s elect and many newly borns in Christ Jesus get 'snared' and fall for the ultimate lie. Satan is operating to deceive the assembly of God. DO not let yourself be snared.

I have a question for Deyo, Why urge people to buy your expensive books on survival if they will be ultimately rapture before all hell breaks loose? The great tribulation as such, is a non event, it is just a period of great tribulation yes, but not the Hollywood 2012 version of it that is being sold by the DIspensationalist-Christian-dominated circle. They just sell, sell, sell based on fear.

Accept the challenge gentlemen of God and try to refute this:

AFTER TRIBULATION 1.64GB mp4 Video _ Rapture/Dispensationalism Exposed w Scripture:

You Tube Link:

I dare you to read these documents on you radio show Mr. Seitzinger.... and repent before your audience.... or I will continue to expose your lies. THERE IS NO PRETRIB RAPTURE! STOP LYING TO THE MASSES!

  • The Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the
  • The Seven Lies of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture


By the way, Apostasia in Spanish.... is Apostasy... not Falling Away!!!


I dare you all to watch the documentary... 'AFTER THE TRIBULATION.'...What part of AFTER do you not understand?

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