

Modul8 is a factory-manufactured, modular building system, made from a selection of materials, which can be recycled. All designs are site- and client specific, thus different and suitable for the specific climate, local conditions, client’s budget, lifestyle, needs and taste. Modul8 allows you to flex your creative muscles combining effects and filters, enabling you to develop your own style with spatial and temporal compositions. Each piece of media is a layer and can be manipulated in real-time.


Modul8 is a factory-manufactured, modular building system, made from a selection of materials, which can be recycled. All designs are site- and client specific, thus different and suitable for the specific climate, local conditions, client’s budget, lifestyle, needs and taste.
Modul8 was created & developed by Strey Architects to elevate the profile of contemporary South African design and ingenuity among the South African public and abroad, bringing architect’s design and artisan standard workmanship to the masses. Modul8 fills the gap between cheap-nasty prefabrication and traditional building methods on site resultiing in many cost and energy savings.

Our mission is to make great design spaces and objects available to both the unexpected and well informed. Gone are the days where temporary buildings and mobile buildings have to be cheap and dreary.

Modul8 was invented to improve your quality of living, holiday and working spaces even if far away from home. This can however be your primary dwelling, a social area, a community space or even place of education and relaxation. Modul8 can be your sanctuary in the backyard, your spiritual space or your cabin in the woods. Modul8 is set up for improving living.

When compiling your building, one can start with a basic building block, the single bedroom house. When leaving home after school or studies, your basic need is that of a bachelor pad or basic room with amenities. As one finds a partner, your needs change and so does the need for more space and privacy. Your partner can bring their own Modul8 unit and double the existing facilities. As children are born or more spacious areas are required, more rooms can be added or extended outside areas can be clipped on. As children leave the house or one prepares for retirement, modules can be left to the children and the basic starter modules could be moved to your favorite retirement spot on the beach, under the deep blue sky with scenic ocean views, next to a crystal stream in the woods or in grass plains, surrounded by wildlife.

This is no new technological wonder, at least not in Europe or America. It is an effort of arranging existing ideas and materials in a new and exciting way. It opens doors to previously unexpected opportunities and possibilities.


  • Time-cost saving
  • Quality manufacturing in controlled factory environment
  • Sturdy light-weight construction for truck and/ or container transport
  • High quality materials and finishes selection to choose from
  • Not dependent on weather and site conditions
  • No building, site theft and transport related problems


  1. Fixed price project, no price add-ons and unforeseen cost on modules
  2. Design, all finishes, sanitary-ware and appliances decided on and quoted for before construction
  3. View modules in the factory before the delivery on site
  4. Specialized skilled tradesmen accurately manufacture each element of the modules
  5. Top quality design and materials are used


  1. Buy base module and add as needs increase or buy complete house, office, hotel, etc
  2. Hand modules as ‘’bachelor pad’’ to children when they leave home as ‘’starter module’’
  3. Move your remaining units to retirement location

Modul8 V3


  1. Protect local environment through manufacturing off-site
  2. Construct modules under trained supervision, even though end result is installed elsewhere
  3. Control over construction without visiting far off sites
  4. No long distance material deliveries with extra cost it would entail
  5. No need to seek contractors to work from home with extra charges by them


  1. European quality and double glazing used in all modules
  2. Solar water heating for domestic water/under floor heating/pool heating, photo voltaic panel system for lights/computers/TV/radio etc, grey water recycling, rain water harvesting, etc
  3. Save cost on transporting of all materials to site on various trucks an occasions
  4. Can be operational ‘of the grid’ where no services are available
    •Not influenced by power-cuts
    •Save energy costs like heating and cooling
    •Save the earth’s surface

Modul8 Demo

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  • modul8 version 3 BETA

    Modul8 v3 HD beta program.