Power Automate Approval Markdown



CRM 2011, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Workflow - Parallel Wait Branch {Conditions}, MSCRM 2011

Power Automate Approval Markdown

Parallel wait conditions provides a powerful way for a particular condition to occur avoiding any custom code.

In a particular scenario, my client wants to follow-up with a lead with the E-mails on random intervals, say after 10-days, then 30-days, then 45-days, then 3-months.

A simple workflow with Timeout process did the trick.

But what about the condition when a reply is received from that lead ? We need to stop the workflow then and there itself.

Ms Flow Approval Email Formatting

Power Automate Markdown You can use markdown in several places in Teams Power Automate actions and in Adaptive cards. Most likely all/many these are supported throughout Teams and not just in Power Virtual Agents. Just refer the table from this article to Markdown supported in Power Automate Approvals! Markdown support among clients is inconsistent. The Power Automate team works to address these inconsistencies, however, inconsistencies remain. The following table lays out the known limitations among the supported clients. MarkDown is suggested when one wants to add some formatting to the text. However, when opening the approval e-mail with Outlook (2016 or Online), the expected lay-out is not there (It is shown in the 'original message' which is hidden). Instead there is another formatting going on. It looks pretty bad to be honest.

The Parallel wait branch made the task much easier, one or more conditions can be added parallelly before a step can be taken further.

AutomateMarkdown bold

In my case, if a mail is received then i could make the workflow stop with the status of succeed before processing any further or waiting for the Timeout to complete.

Hope this might help someone to write a powerful workflow and explore the rest options of CRM-Workflows !!!

Power Automate Approval Markdown Calculator
