

Jun 25th, 2015
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Mythicmobs plugin

This week I go over an epic plugin called Mythic Mobs. Now you can take the default minecraft mobs and customize just about every aspect of them. Thus turning a basic zombie into every players nightmare!

Mythicmobs Docs

  2. #
  3. # This example file shows you how to set up a basic drop table.
  4. # Drop tables can be used in both a mob's equipment and drops
  5. SkeletonKingDrops:
  6. - KingsCrown 1 0.01
  7. - exp 100
  8. ITEMS
  9. # This example file shows you how to set up special items
  10. SkeletonKingSword:
  11. Data: 0
  12. Lore:
  13. - '&6the King of Skeletons.'
  14. - DAMAGE_ALL:5
  15. - FIRE_ASPECT:2
  16. Health: 10
  17. KingsCrown:
  18. Data: 0
  19. Display: '&dCrown of the King'
  20. - '&6A kingly crowl that grants'
  21. Enchantments:
  24. Health: 10
  25. BanditTunic:
  26. Display: '&aBandit Tunic'
  27. - '&6A leather tunic taken from'
  28. Options:
  29. MOBS
  30. #
  31. # These example files show you some of the basic attributes and
  32. # skills MythicMobs can use. Far more is possible!
  34. Health: 40
  35. Drops:
  36. DropsPerLevel:
  37. LevelModifiers:
  38. - damage 0.5
  39. MovementSpeed: 0.1
  40. Type: SHEEP
  41. Health: 100
  42. Options:
  43. DamageModifiers:
  44. - FIRE 0.5
  45. - lightning @LivingInRadius{r=10} ~onTimer:100
  46. Type: SLIME
  47. Health: 100
  48. Options:
  49. MovementSpeed: 0.1
  50. PreventOtherDrops: true
  51. KnockbackResistance: 1
  52. - skill{s=AngrySludgePoison} 0.2
  54. Health: 500
  55. Skills:
  56. - message{cooldown=20;m='<><&co> None may challenge the Skeleton King!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onCombat >0 0.2
  57. - message{m='<><&co> Ahahahahah! Die, <>!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onPlayerKill >0 1
  58. - skill{s=SmashAttack} @Target >0 0.2
  59. - KingsCrown:4
  60. Drops:
  61. Options:
  62. MovementSpeed: 0.2
  63. PreventOtherDrops: true
  64. Type: SKELETON
  65. Health: 10
  66. Options:
  67. -------------------------------
  68. -------------------------------
  69. # These example files show you some VERY basic meta skills.
  70. # You can copy and expand them however you'd like.
  71. Cooldown: 8
  72. - targetwithin 25
  73. - message{cooldown=30;m='<><&co> Hahahah! I will crush you, fool!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40}
  74. - effect:sound{s=mob.endermen.portal;volume=1.0;pitch=0.5}
  75. - damage{amount=5;ignorearmor=true} @PlayersInRadius{r=5}
  76. - throw{velocity=10;velocityY=5} @PlayersInRadius{r=5}
  77. SummonSkeletons:
  78. Skills:
  79. - message{m='<><&co> Arise, my minions!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40}
  80. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  81. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  82. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  83. Cooldown: 10
  84. - potion{type=POISON;lvl=2;duration=100} @PlayersInRadius{r=15}
  85. - effect:particles{p=happyVillager;amount=1000;hSpread=15;ySpread=1;speed=0;yOFfset=0.5} @Self

Mythicmobs How To Create Mobs

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Mythicmobs Conditions